Boston Marathon

Posted on April 15, 2013

I wanted to send out my deepest sympathies for the tragedy that took place during the Boston Marathon. As someone who has been trying to train for a half marathon, I find it troubling to see something so innocent turned into something so tragic. May all of those lives touched be comforted by this great nation.


Media Connected Home – Part 1

Posted on April 15, 2013

The way that we access media has been changing over the years. The ways of the DVD, and even the Blu-Ray, are starting to die as the preferred method of accessing media. With the invention of Netflix, CinemaNow, and even the older On Demand, the DVD and Blu-Ray have become less desirable. The DVR is now a home entertainment staple for keeping up to date with favorite shows.

What about accessing this media in different locations like on your smartphone or tablet? How about on another TV in your home? Some cable services offer whole home DVR which is a great way to watch your recorded media in different rooms instead of just one. What if your provider doesn’t offer it? How about if you are on the road? What if that episode is not available on Netflix or Hulu? What if a movie you want to watch while on the road is not synced to your smartphone or tablet? How about if it is not on Netflix or CinemaNow? Using a SlingBox to access your recorded programming but running out of space?

A Media Connected Home is the solution.

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iMessages now working in OSX

Posted on March 10, 2013

For those of us using Apple’s OSx on custom hardware (Hackintosh), iMessages has failed to connect in recent months. This is due to how iMessages verifies the hardware and sees that we are not running a true Apple device.

Chimera, the bootloader included in MultiBeast, has been updated to 2.0.1. In the 2.x release, they have added a fix that allows iMesaages to work on your home-brew OSx machine. This update is not currently a part of Multibeast, so it will require downloading and installing separately. Just follow the install wizard and make sure to install on your Hackintosh primary partition/drive. Any custom configurations should not be overwritten, but always make a backup just in case.

Download Chimera (Requires an account).


Site Downtime

Posted on January 11, 2013

I must apologize to anyone that has tried to visit this site over the last week. There was an upgrade issue with the back end code which caused the site to not generate the CSS properly and had also disabled a few other elements that the site uses.

I have fixed these issues and everything is back to normal.

Stay tuned for a few articles that are in the editing stage currently.