Last Trip

Posted on 22nd March 2007

Well, the drive home yesterday represents a new point in my life. As I drove the 550 miles from the city to Ohio, I realized this would be the last trip from the city as a resident of Ohio. In one and one half weeks I will be resident to Brooklyn, NY. It is a weird feeling knowing that the reminders of the last 13 years will not be a constant anymore. I will return every now and again to see my friends, but I will not drive by the gas station where I had my first kiss, or the bar where I met this one girl the one time, or even the road I turned on to miss the cops. It saddens me somewhat, but then I realized that I am giving myself a brand new start at life. I have minimized my belongings and debt and am ready to start all over again.

One thing to say is this. I have been blessed to have already met some wonderful people that have done the same thing I am about to do. If you are one of those people reading this, I thank you.

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